Plantdyes & illustration


THE KNIT POOL is sculptural installations including a video projection.

Photographer: Cornelia Gramkow ( photo 1-3 )

Materials are: Water, soap, isinglass, knit: wool, cotton yarn

EXHIBITs from 31 of may till 8th of June 2017 > 1-6 pm at ENIGMA MUSEUM, Copenhagen Ø


ISINGLASS. The glassy sculpture appears solid but is in fact like a jell. It looks as if the knit flows inside a cube but there are no walls and as time goes by it will slowly change its physical state and melt, slowly releasing the knit from its petrification. The sculpture shows a blurred transparency. There are glimpses of fibers and patterns in the knit piece but its frozen in action and disappearing into the frosty cloud of the ising glass. Until it melts it is a foggy reflection of a knit.

SOAP SCULPTURE. Complete Stillness, this is an ocean of soap just stiffened in its own foam, capturing the knit in such an embrace that only fragments of the entirety of the knit piece surfaces. Here you are presented to a composition of colors sporadicly distributed in the soap. Its like a huge flint representing a stagnant history of knit underneath its stiffened frame.

INVERTED SOAP SCULPTURE. A reflection of the aftermath of a foamed knit. It is the sculptured mountain range of the repetitive patterns from the knitting technique. The stiffed echo of a knit now removed.        

VIDEO: The video projects the movements and sounds that occurred whilst creating the sculptures. Originally all sculptures where liquid and it is the progress of the liquid in motion before it congeals that is reflected in this video. The video will be projected in slowmotion on a wall behind the sculptures.