Plantdyes & illustration
REFORM_Cille Vengberg_ Foto Emil Monty Freddie.jpg




The furniture is made from 5 km of pleated cotton yarn, hand dyed in 27 colors, woven around a wooden frame. Size cm 250 x 250 x 195. All dye & weaving is executed by CILLEVENGBERG in her studio in Copenhagen.

 This version of a modern room divider rests on the qualities of the original design, which is to divide a room into more rooms and create a private sphere in a larger room. STRINGS ATTACHED is based on two individual needs and changing from being introvert to being extrovert. The wall itself is build of yarn, hand dyed in 27 colors, which has been weaved around the frame with the colours changing from light to dark. The lighter part starts at the opening as an extrovert seperation from the rest and changes to a darker part, where the space is deeper and seems more introvert.

I find it interesting to create the possibility to be introvert even in the company of others - designing a space, where you can be by yourself, but still communicate with the outside. By using yarn as the wall there is a physical seperation, but sound will pass through easily, while light will come through the wall in a reformed pattern. 

In a time where it is trending to tear down walls and praise the wideness and the open space, I strive to create a space, where the wall takes care of the single and individual immersion, but at the same time praises the community through communication. 



Photographer: Emil Monty Freddie @montygraf

Styling: Atelier CPH @ateliercph 

Jury: Mette Barfod @rum_id / Karen Grøn @trapholt / Jonas Krüger @Brdr. Krüger

Location: Kinfolk Gallery @kinfolk

Walls: KABE @kabecopenhagen or #cabecobenhagen


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